This is the affiliate program page of asiri online store.

If you are an existing affiliate, please log in

If you need to register as an affiliate, please register

Affiliate program terms and conditions read


Affiliate Marketing Process

1.Create Your Affiliate Account
2.Generate Affiliate Links through Your Affiliate Account
3. Promote Your Links(On Blogs,Websites,Social Media,etc)
4. Get Orders Through Your Affiliate Links
5.Get Completed Your Orders(follow-up with customers)
6.You will be received your Affliate Commission  amount(3% from each sold product value)  to your Bank Account

Please Note
Affiliate commission (3% from the sold product value) will be given only for completed Orders

** A Completed Order means customer paid and collected (Delivered or Picked Up) order

Affiliate Commission will not be given for cancelled,returned or refunded orders(that occurred due to any party fault or error)

As long as your current affiliate earning are over  US $20, you’ll be paid each month

Affiliate Order Commission Formula

Compleated Order Affiliate Commission = Completed Order Product Value *3%